A home base can be defined as a quiet, isolated area (at home or school) with minimal visual activity or distractions where the child can go to escape from a stressful setting or event.
Establish a Home Base
It is essential to help your child develop coping skills such as negotiation, in addition to frequently practicing breathing exercises, having a calming routine, and scheduling ‘quiet’ times.
Build External Coping Skills
Your child’s sensory toolkit can include fidgety toys, chewy or crunchy snack items, hand wipes, scented hand lotion, sunglasses, and weighted blankets. However, remember not to force these things on your child when they are experiencing a meltdown.
Sensory Toolkit
Empathizing, instead of punishing or yelling, can do wonders. It is really important that your child knows that you’re listening and you understand their situation
Acknowledging your child’s emotions and praising them for good behavior is of utmost importance. For instance, you can verbally express how happy you are that your child kept the toys back in place after playtime
Reinforce Positive Behaviour